Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I slept through another tournament

I really need to stop pre registering for tournaments. I just slept through miniftops 13, which only cost my $33 but still.

I've had very, very little motivation to play poker recently. I've just been feeling like there are other things I want to do. . . but I wind up just smoking weed and playing on my xbox or reading sci fi- (btw, The Player of Games by Ian M. Banks is excellent, addictive reading). I don't know if it's this dismal weather (grey, cold, often wet) or what but I have not been wanting to play poker!

Even though "my game" is clearly the 45 man sngs I've just felt really bored with them lately. Today I played almost all mtts, and started the session tonight by playing 4 tables of 1/2 6 max N/L w/ antes (always a mouthful!) According to I made 1200 on the cash session. . . not too shabby at all. . . especially considering I got a bit tilty (and shnockered) and lost $700 playing $15/30 Razz two nights ago. . .kinda gross no matter how you consider it!

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