Thursday, July 2, 2009

Brain pudding sloshing in my skull

Poker has been freaking agonizing this month. The blood letting started right before I left for Vegas and it hasn't let up except for a nice win two days ago which was completely wiped out (and then some) tonight.

I'm not really sure what to do. I've been focusing on keeping my head cool and playing the best cards I know how but it's getting very difficult. Luckily I excersize pretty decent bank roll management so I'm still able to play at full steam for now.

For weeks it was that my big hands haven't been holding up. . . that's still happening but with some new flavors of crushing dissapointment creeping in. Lately I've actually been accumulating nice stacks and winning pots early in these tourney only to crash head first into the nuts somewhere around final table time. I'm mostly confident still in my game. . . I think I'm playing well but I need to take a closer look possibly and see what I can tune up. There are all sorts of subtle ways for a winning player to get brow beaten and start playing like shit in some spots in an effort to try and hurry up and win some pots finally.

Sick, gross, boring stuff. I'm hoping I'll be able to turn this blog around soon with some good news, cuz man the bad news is getting really old. . .

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