Friday, December 3, 2010

I donked out of the 100r 6max today, but learned a lesson

Basically, I had a 50x stack w ~12 left and I opened 2.2x w 45s in the hijack, a cautious player flatted in the sb, and the high 3bet % *definitely gonna squeeze guy* squeezed.

At this point the amount in the pot is about a third of my stack and I expected the bb to do this verrry lightly. So I ship obviously. He has the same amount of chips as me so my fEV should be about perfect....(except that no one folds anything anymore if they know what they are doing, because "no one ever has anything")

He tanks...he really does and I'm screaming FOOLLDDD because I have 5 hi.

Finally he calls with 88 and I'm predictably crushed and I'm out.

What I learned:

54s is not good for reshipping simply by virtue of being crushed by the bottom of their range. Even T7s is going to fare better. And they will call with those medium pairs. Nice to have some equity against the bottom of their range when that happens...though even here, if someone is 3betting 100% and folding 90% than you gotta shove ATC...but against rational humans it pays to be a bit more selective because *people don't always do what they should be doin* and sometimes they actually have the (relative) top of their range...the part that can call you.

Now, I say "gotta shove ATC" because that's how the mtt sng mind works and stems from that fact that the skills required to beat those games have nothing in common with the skills of utilizing bigger stack sizes and playing post flop. More credible than the shove would be a smaller 4 bet. The problem is his squeeze was a little biggish and 45s plays terrible so I'd be putting in more than a third of my stack to play as a pure bluff since in the rare occasions he does just freak out and flat, I'm not going to make much very often.

I think the lesson is... stats wise it was the perfect place to ship. Everything was lined up for it to be easy profit but : the cards in our hand weren't right and b. our stack was a little too big.

Now I know I'll get heat from my purist cEV friends for a statement like that... but it would be insane of me to not assign some serious survival value to a 40x stack with two tables left in the 100r.

If it worked though, I woulda had a nice stack... :) 6 on the river woulda been epic too. :)

Ah well. Thank god for tomorrow...

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