A state of not giving a shit. Monkey tilt chasing bottom pair shoving ass clownery. That's what I do. Not always, but for periods of time it happens, and it costs me a fortune.
This state of mind tends to come about after a few bad beats while playing many tables (12+). Suddenly everyone looks like a donk, doom is everywhere, so oh fuck it let's just get it in even though they can't ever be bluffing, or folding, or whatever absurd action I suddenly decide I need them to be doing.
Fuck it.
Unfortunately, I think that was my attitude toward most of my games on Poker Stars when I recently started grinding multiple sites. For the most part I don't know who any of the players are, the note taking software tilts me, so I just wouldn't pay much attention and treat everyone like donks which is fine until I'd inevitably run into a good player, and then I'd get raped. There was some running-like-shit in there as well, but as I've learned - poker doesn't owe you anything, and you got no right to complain if you aren't trying your hardest and I definitely wasn't. I'd have all the cheap PS mtts just kind of splatter/stacked in the side of my screen while I focused on FTP.
Lately though I've been getting up to half of my games through PS and have given them their own proper spaces and have gotten better at focusing on them and am starting to turn what was a depressing losing streak around with a few modest but encouraging cashes

(Just playing the Sunday Million has been costing me $860 a month so really I'm practically even and ready for my 4580% ROI I'll have after finally binking it.)
As far as curing my OFIM I really don't know what to do, except to be more aware of when it is happening and somehow stop it - anyone have any ideas?
By the way, my new favorite album of today has a song that's pretty fitting and awesome-