Sunday, May 8, 2011

Be-where?, the Jabberwock, my son?

Just bought a ticket to Barcelona to play in the FTP Espana tourney on the 20th which I won entry to prior to the DOJ crackdown. For some reason I am nervous as hell....well, it isn't really a mystery - it's a one way ticket because I don't know when I'm coming back or even where I'm staying...I've got some research to do!

I'm drinking "Jabberwocky Ale" from Walkabout brewing right now and thinking about it over an ashtray full of spliff ends. On the one hand I'm sad to leave all the amazing things I have here in Portland, but on the other I can't wait to get back to poker, and the sooner the better.

And on top of that...I've never been to Europe! A fact which surprises me to no end and I'm happy to be rid of!